Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Thelermont Hupton - Designers

Thelermont Hupton’s products and furniture have become recognisable through their willingness to reflect social conventions and peculiarities, and their strong visual identity and sometimes surprising functionality. The products are ingrained with the mark of well considered, bold and inevitably lively design.
Both Thelermont and Hupton arrived in the design world via the route of cabinet making and furniture design. They continue to celebrate this medium and build upon their catalogue of projects and products within this field. The emphasis of the furniture design process remains firmly on creating and maintaining a strong visual presence while accommodating the essentials of comfort and functionality demanded by both the domestic and contract market.
At the same time, they have discovered that product design provides a route through which to convey and express their visual commentary in objects. This satisfies their urge to reflect influences that do not initially appear to have their roots founded in design with thoughtful, challenging and useful pieces that are capable of winning acclaim and sales within the critical and serious retail marketplace. Their products are now stocked worldwide.
(text taken from

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