Saturday, November 21, 2009

Jaw-dropping, hyperrealistic Sculptures

Ron Mueck, Jamie Salmon and Sam Jinks are sculptors. What an understatement! That's like saying Frank Lloyd Wright built homes.

Ron Mueck has been at the top of his field since he devoted himself to sculpting fine, photorealistic pieces in 1996. He began his career designing visual effects for the film Labyrinth but found his true calling using simple tools and his hands to create some of the most brilliantly realized sculptures since "David". Michelangelo often comes to mind when exploring Mueck's work; both men incorporate the technique of subtly distorting the proportions of their subjects for their desired final product.

Jamie Salmon uses real Human hair in his sculptures. These pieces are so detailed oriented, it could sometimes take months for each piece to be finished.

Australian sculptor Sam Jinks uses silicone in his hyperrealistic sculptures. He cut his teeth in the film industry before he devoted himself to his art full-time since 2004. His pieces, a bit odd & thought-provoking are designed with such loving care that each subject's expression is as honest and... well, Real.

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